Today we will discuss extending the AGameMode class to include a custom state machine.
First, we need to create a new ACustomGameMode class that inherits from AGameMode. For the basic match-handling functionality, we will need to override the base class methods and also add our own.
class TUTORIALS_API ACustomGameMode : public AGameMode
/// Override the AGameMode match functionality
virtual void OnMatchStateSet() override;
virtual void HandleMatchHasStarted() override;
virtual void HandleMatchHasEnded() override;
bool IsMatchInProgress() const override;
/// Add our own states
virtual void HandleMatchStateA();
virtual void HandleMatchStateB();
In order to get more states, we will need to extend the MatchState namespace.
/// Extending the MatchState namespace
namespace MatchState
const FName StateA = FName(TEXT("StateA"));
const FName StateB = FName(TEXT("StateB"));
The Implementation will be as follows:
// This method is a callback to the SetMatchState method
void ACustomGameMode::OnMatchStateSet()
// Handle our custom state A
if (MatchState == MatchState::StateA)
// Handle our custom state B
else if (MatchState == MatchState::StateB)
// Handle default AGameMode states
// this method is a callback to the StartMatch method
void ACustomGameMode::HandleMatchHasStarted()
// Handle match has started
// this method is a callback to the EndMatch method
void ACustomGameMode::HandleMatchHasEnded()
// Handle match has ended
// Mark our states as part of the match is in progress
bool ACustomGameMode::IsMatchInProgress() const
if (GetMatchState() == MatchState::StateA ||
GetMatchState() == MatchState::StateB)
return true;
// Other states are handles by the AGameMode class
return Super::IsMatchInProgress();
// Our custom state functionality after moving to state A
void ACustomGameMode::HandleMatchStateA()
// Example handling state A by moving straight to state B
// Our custom state functionality after moving to state B
void ACustomGameMode::HandleMatchStateB()
// Handle state B
By implementing all the above functionality, you should be able to create and extend the match state machine to your needs.
A similar logic can be added to the GameState class by overriding the corresponding methods.
Please let us know if you have any questions.